Where the heck did 2012 go?

fouad | uncategorized
Woah. 2012 was a hectic year for us! So hectic, infact, that we didn’t get time to post much to the site… But that’s all going to change! 2013 has started with a bang and there’s already quite a bit of new stuff to see on the CatStatic Projects page. Check it out! READ MORE

2011 Greeting Card

Luke | games
Happy Holidays From CatStatic Interactive! Zap the Cat is late getting his holiday decorations up again! Even though Zap has already missed “The Big Ho Ho” – a fact he’s not about to live down any time soon – he’s still determined to get in the festive spirit for New Years! READ MORE

Centre for Digital Media Groundbreaking Event

Luke | articles, visualizations
It’s been a long time since our last post, but as our ever-growing Projects page indicates, that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. One of the more exciting things to happen to us recently has been our being featured in The Vancouver Sun in relation to the work we’ve been doing with the Great Northern [&hellip READ MORE

QBCUBE takes fourth place in contest!

Luke | uncategorized
The votes have been cast and the winners selected, and we’re really, really happy to be able to announce that QBCUBE has rolled its way into the hearts of the Kongregate audience and judges, who have awarded QBCUBE 4th place from the 600+ entries in the Kongregate Unity Game contest! Of course, this is a [&hellip READ MORE

QBCube Re-release on Kongregate

fouad | games
We just completed a re-release of QBCube for the unity game contest at Kongregate. Head on over there and vote for QBCube! READ MORE

Holiday Greetings

Luke | games
Happy Holidays Everyone! That’s right! It’s that special time of year when everyone looks forward to spreading good cheer and, naturally, virtual Greeting Cards. It certainly warms the cockles of the heart. In fact, we were so inspired by the spirit of the season that we couldn’t help breaking into rhyming verse: Here at CatStatic [&hellip READ MORE

QBCUBE Post-Mortem

fouad | articles, games
To play the QBCUBE prototype, click HERE. To play the final, polished version of QBCUBE, click HERE. I N T R O D U C T I O N As with so many stories, this one begins with ideas scribbled on a napkin. It was at Bon’s, the local greasy spoon, that the ideas for [&hellip READ MORE

CatStatic Featured on the MDM site

fouad | articles
Check out the article here! “Graduates Showcase New 3D Visualization at Birthday Bash for Artist Robert Bateman&# READ MORE

Crossing the Multiverse

fouad | games
The following is the fruit of a two-week experiment. Details to come. In the meantime, feel free to tell us what you think! For those who are interested, the post-mortem can be read here. (Please also report any bugs you run into in the comments. We’ve found most of them, but there’s undoubtedly some furtive [&hellip READ MORE

CatStatic is on YouTube!

fouad | video
Watch it here in glorious HD! READ MORE

The Discovery Foundation Tech Growth Strategies Course

josh | articles
Last Wednesday was the celebration of the end of a fantastic course–the Discovery Foundation Technology Growth Strategies course. The only criteria for admission was, coincidentally, a rather new tech company :) There I am in the photo at the course completion event. It consisted of a series of workshops and webinars to help new tech [&hellip READ MORE

A Visit to Royal Roads

Luke | articles, visualizations
I must say, I really am surprised how the province of British Columbia is able to offer up amazing experiences in the most surprising and unexpected places. One such occasion took place on May 19th, when Josh, Fouad and I travelled to Vancouver Island to present our work to the faculty and staff of Royal Roads University READ MORE