Archive for July, 2010

QBCUBE Post-Mortem

By fouad | articles, games
To play the QBCUBE prototype, click HERE. To play the final, polished version of QBCUBE, click HERE. I N T R O D U C T I O N As with so many stories, this one begins with ideas scribbled on a napkin. It was at Bon’s, the local greasy spoon, that the ideas for [&hellip

CatStatic Featured on the MDM site

By fouad | articles
Check out the article here! “Graduates Showcase New 3D Visualization at Birthday Bash for Artist Robert Bateman&#

Crossing the Multiverse

By fouad | games
The following is the fruit of a two-week experiment. Details to come. In the meantime, feel free to tell us what you think! For those who are interested, the post-mortem can be read here. (Please also report any bugs you run into in the comments. We’ve found most of them, but there’s undoubtedly some furtive [&hellip